It Was A Party!

We had a fabulous Valentine’s Day celebration yesterday! Oh my. Just like last year, we split into two working teams to create gourmet dessert imposters — in reverse…

Instead of desserts that mimicked savory dishes, each team fashioned delicious comfort foods that looked practically like your classic pie, cookie, cupcake and pudding. It was an incredible twist on a well loved tradition.

Comfort Food Dessert Imposters

Hannah, Timothy, Eliana, John Luke, and Esther concocted a fabulous display of Vanilla Cupcakes topped with Vanilla Frosting (Bacon and Broccoli Quiche iced with Mashed Potatoes), and a gorgeous tray of fruit — Mangoes, Grapes, Honeydew, Tangerine Slices and Pound Cake (Yellow Peppers, Green Olives, Avocado, Cheddar Cheese, and French Bread), not to mention a bowl of Fruit Dip topped with Mint (Mozzarella Cheese Fondue, garnished with fresh Basil).

Levi, James, Natalie, Knox and I (Lauren), created an Apple Pie (Chicken Pot Pie), a plate of Chocolate Chip Cookies (Baked Bean Cookies with Black Bean “Chocolate Chips”), and a dish of Vanilla Pudding (Mashed Potatoes). Each team worked tirelessly to fashion gorgeous spreads.

Tim and I were honored to be judges. The two categories were best appearance and best tasting. After deliberation, Hannah’s team was awarded with the best appearance, and Lauren’s team won for the best tasting.

The Newlywed Game

The Newlywed Game

Following our dinner, we divided into 4 different teams to play what’s called the “Newlywed Game.” Designed for newly married couples to see how well they really know their spouse, we put a twist on the game and divided into 4 sibling teams. We have played this game the past 2 years, and each year we change up the pairings. This year’s pairings were Lauren and John Luke, James and Hannah, Tim and Eliana, and Levi and Timothy.

I called out the questions.

“What is your partner’s shoe size?”

“How many teeth does your partner currently have?”

“What is your partner’s favorite book of the Bible?”

It was up to each individual to guess correctly their “spouse’s” answer. Wrong answers yielded no points, one right answer awarded one point, and if both players answered correctly, their team received two points. It was hilarious. Some couples knew each other quite well, and others had to work a little harder. But the game resulted in some pretty tight scores. In the end, Hannah and James came out on top, but everyone had a ball!

Overall, it was a fabulous Valentine’s Day! We’re already looking forward to next year.

Be blessed today,


We Started A YouTube Channel!

We did one of those things we thought we’d never do. We started a YouTube channel!! Say what?

Reedwood Creek Farm is now offering videos, educational content, and resources that you don’t just rub on, but consume, not quite literally.

Why us? And why now?

Early Beginnings

If you know anything about our family, you will know that we didn’t start out country. Quite the opposite, really. Both of us were raised in the city on opposite sides of the world. After we met, fell in love, and married, we started our family in the suburbs of South Carolina. It wasn’t but a few years into our marriage and parenting that we got to wondering if there was something more for our family. So, up we packed our growing brood of 4 kids, 4 years old and younger, and moved to rural Georgia to steward some acres, some goats, and a brand new life.

Man, those early days were an adventure. Especially the time when Tim brought home a milk cow at 10:00 o’clock at night with no prior knowledge of how to set up an electric fence. Or the time I swapped money for hogs in a Walmart parking lot six hours from home. Or when Hannah and Lauren built houses and wells from hammocks and broken buckets. Those were the days.

And yet, that’s where it all began. Although those adventures may seem like a lifetime ago, they were the foundation.

Will We See You On Our YouTube Channel?

We’ve learned a lot. And continue to discover and grow. So, we thought, why not bring others along for the ride. It’s a wild ride, but at the end of the day, it’s the best ride we ever have been or will be on.

Care to join? We would LOVE to have you subscribe to our new YouTube channel where we share tips, tutorials, joys, fails, and much more.

Homesteading isn’t cake. But it’s fulfilling. And for that reason, we’ll always love it and want more of it.

Be blessed, today!

